Enriching Tomorrow5 Mar 2024

Emboodhoo Lagoon

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Lagoon is a shallow sea area with a basin-like structure, surrounded by sandy shores or coral reefs, formed by the subsidence of the sea floor in the past. Lagoon is a habitat for a diverse range of marine life, for instances, the Emboodhu Lagoon, situated on the northern edge of the South Male Atoll. Atoll lagoons are characterized by their shallow, basin-like structure, formed through the subsidence of volcanic caldera edges in the past with surrounding coral reefs grow and creating a protective barrier around the lagoon. This dynamic environment fosters the growth of various marine species, making it a crucial breeding ground for a myriad of organisms. The Emboodhu Lagoon, with its atoll formation, exemplifies the interconnected relationship between the lagoon and the thriving marine ecosystem.

Emboodhu Lagoon holds paramount significance for both marine life and human activities. Serving as a habitat for diverse marine species, it plays a crucial role as a feeding ground for activities such as fishing, sand dredging, and serves as a shelter for boats seeking refuge from strong winds, benefiting the local community. Its importance is further highlighted by its role in mitigating wave intensity, providing a safer environment for maritime activities.

Fascinating facts about Emboodhu Lagoon:

  1. A comprehensive biodiversity survey revealed up to 21 endangered marine species in the Emboodhu Lagoon.
  2. Renowned as the residence of the Hawksbill Turtle, such as an individual fondly named "EMMA,", along with two other types, the Green Turtle and Olive Turtle, making it a habitat for three out of the five turtle species found in the Maldives.
  3. Large fish are often spotted feeding and mating in the Emboodhu Lagoon, particularly groups of sharks and rays. Additionally, the presence of young shark offspring is a common occurrence throughout the year.
  4. Occasionally, bioluminescent plankton can be observed, dependent on the wind and currents.
  5. Our Emboodhu Lagoon boasts captivating snorkeling spots, including the Tuna sculpture and the encircling reef on both the northern and southern sides.


Enriching Tomorrow


Enriching Tomorrow5 Mar 2024



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