Enriching Tomorrow5 Mar 2024


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Rays are part of the cartilaginous fish group, meaning they lack bones. They have a depressed shape, almost like a plate, and most species have a stringer at the middle of their tail. Ray can be found in the shallow part of the ocean or the coral reef.

Fun facts

  1. Rays hunt using smell and particular detection organs, allowing them to hunt in turpid waters.
  2. Sharks are the primary predators of Rays.
  3. Rays are born, grown, and capable of swimming and hunting independently, but the parents will still protect them from predators.
  4. Female Rays are larger and live longer than male Rays.
  5. Rays have been on this earth for as long as Dinosaurs. Fossils of Rays older than 50 million years have been found.

Ray spotting technique
Rays can be spotted by the large clouds of sediment in the water, created by Rays burying themselves in the sand to escape predators or hunt the buried prey. They can be spotted during both day and night.


Enriching Tomorrow


Enriching Tomorrow5 Mar 2024



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