Enriching Tomorrow5 Mar 2024


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Like Rays, Sharks are part of the cartilaginous fish group and lack bones. Most have a cylinder-like shape, besides some notable exceptions such as Zebra Sharks or the Wobbegong. Sharks’ tails are asymmetrical, with the upper part longer than the lower part. Sharks are the apex predators that guarantee the prosperity of the ecosystem by eliminating the sick and weak fishes from the ecosystem as a process of natural selection. They can be found along the shore and in the Coral reefs.

Fun Facts

  1. Some Sharks can’t stop swimming.
  2. Shark fossils over 400 million years old have been found, proving that sharks are older than Dinosaurs.
  3. Shark skin feels like sandpaper.
  4. When a Shark is flipped, it enters a trance called Tonic immobility.
  5. Sharks come in several sizes. From as small as a hand, such as Dwarf lanternsharks to as long as 12 meters, such as Whalesharks.

Shark Spotting Technique
Sharks are nocturnal animals and spend their daytime in deep waters. They are very sensitive animals and should be observed from afar.


Enriching Tomorrow


Enriching Tomorrow5 Mar 2024



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